
En esta página incluyo algunos de los artículos publicados recientemente organizados por áreas temáticas. Se puede visitar también mi página en google scholar.

Perspectivism in Natural Language Processing

Chulvi, B., Fontanella, L., Labadie-Tamayo, R. and Rosso, P. (2023) Social or Individual Disagreement? Perspectivism in the Annotation of Sexist Jokes. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Perspectivist Approaches to NLP co-located with 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2023) Kraków, Poland, September 30th, 2023.

Political discourse, stereotypes and prejudice

Chulvi B., Molpeceres M., Rodrigo M., Toselli A., Rosso P. (2023). The politicization of Immigration and Language Use in Political Elites: A Study of Spanish Parliamentary Speeches. In: Journal of Language and Social Psychology.

Juan A. Pérez, Farah Ghosn, Berta Chulvi & Mariángeles Molpeceres (2023) Does threat cause discrimination or does discrimination cause threat? (¿La amenaza causa la discriminación o la discriminación causa la amenaza?), International Journal of Social Psychology, 38:2, 279-303, DOI: 10.1080/02134748.2022.2158589

Sánchez-Junquera J., Chulvi B., Rosso P., Ponzetto S. (2021) How Do You Speak about Immigrants? Taxonomy and StereoImmigrants Dataset for Identifying Stereotypes about Immigrants. In: Applied Science, 11(8), 3610

Sánchez-Junquera J., Rosso P., Montes-y-Gómez M., Chulvi B. (2021) Masking and BERT-based Models for Stereotype Identification. In: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (SEPLN), num. 67, pp. 83-94.

Hurtful Humour

Labadi-Tamayo, R., Chulvi, B., Rosso, P. (2023). «Everybody Hurts, Sometimes» Overview of HUrtful HUmour at IberLEF 2023: Detection of Humour Spreading Prejudice in Twitter. In: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (SEPLN), num. 71, pp. 383-395.

Disinformation, fake news & hate speech

Montoro-Montarroso , A., Cantón-Correa, J., Rosso, P., Chulvi, B., Panizo-Lledot, Ángel, Huertas-Tato, J., Calvo-Figueras, B., Rementeria, M. J., & Gómez-Romero, J. (2023). Fighting disinformation with artificial intelligence: fundamentals, advances and challengesProfesional De La información32(3).

Schlicht, I.B., Fernandez, E., Chulvi,B.,Rosso, P. (2023) Automatic detection of health misinformation: a systematic review. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 1-‌13, 2023

Chulvi B., Toselli A., Rosso P. (2022) Fake News and Hate Speech: Language in Common.
In: arXiv:2212.02352

Rosso P., Chulvi B. (2021) Los prejuicios en las sociedades digitales: Identificación automática de estereotipos y hate speech. In: Archiletras, vol. VI, pp. 171-188

Merlo L.I., Chulvi B., Ortega-Bueno R., Rosso P. (2023) When Humour Hurts: Linguistic Features to Foster Explainability. In: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (SEPLN), num. 70, pp. 85-98

HUrtful HUmour: Detection of humour spreading prejudice in Twitter. Task in Iberlef 2023.

Mental disorders (depression & anorexia)

Uban A., Chulvi B., Rosso P. (2021) An Emotion and Cognitive based Analysis of Mental Health Disorders from Social Media Data. In: Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), Vol. 124, pp. 480-494

Uban A., Chulvi B., Rosso P. (2022) Explainability of Depression Detection on Social Media: From Deep Learning Models to Psychological Interpretations and Multimodality. In: Early Detection of Psychological Disorders from Online Digital Traces, D. Losada, F. Crestani, J. Parapar (Eds), Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer series

Uban A., Chulvi B., Rosso P. (2022) Multi-Aspect Transfer Learning for Detecting Low Resource Mental Disorders on Social Media. In: Proc. 13th Int. Conf. on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC-2022, pp. 3202-3219

Uban A., Chulvi B., Rosso P. (2021) On the Explainability of Automatic Predictions of Mental Disorders from Social Media Data. In: Proc. 26th Int. Conf. on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, NLDB-2021, Springer-Verlag, LNCS(12801), pp. 301-314

Uban A., Chulvi B., Rosso P. (2021) Understanding Patterns of Anorexia Manifestations in Social Media Data with Deep Learning. In: Proc. of the Seventh Workshop on Computational Linguistics and Clinical Psychology: Improving Access (CLPsych), co-located with NAACL-2021, pp. 224-226

Political discourse analysis and author styles

Corbara S., Chulvi B., Rosso P., Moreo A. (2022) Rythmic and Psycolinguistic Features for Authorship Tasks in the Spanish Parliament: Evaluation and Analysis. In: Proc. 13th Int. Conf. of the CLEF Association, CLEF 2022, Bologna, Italy, September 5–8, Springer-Verlag, LNCS(13390)

Corbara S., Chulvi B., Rosso P., Moreo A. (2022) Investigating Topic-agnostic Features for Authorship Tasks in Spanish Political Speeches. In: Proc. 27th Int. Conf. on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, NLDB-2022, Springer-Verlag, LNCS(13286)